【講師簡介】 Sri. Nandakumar is an Iyengar yoga teacher and has been regularly studying with Guruji Sri. B.K.S.Iyengar, Sri. Gitaji and with Sri. Prashanthji. He initiated his studies on yoga in the early 1990s at the SKY Centre and the Krishmamarcharya Yoga Mandiram in Tamil Nadu, South India. With a keen interest in "spiritual studies" Nanda decided to move to Rishikesh to pursue his studies. It was here under the guidance of Br.Rudradevaji that he built his foundation of Iyengar yoga, He has also had the fortunate opportunity to study under Senior Iyengar teacher Sri Ramanada Patel,USA and later at the Iyengar Institute at Pune, India. He has been conducting yoga classes and retreats in different countries like India, Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore. 【瑜伽課程】 1. Understanding the concept of yoga in day to day life. Participants will understand how to lead a healthy life by practicing yoga in every aspects of life with Asana (postures), Pranayama (breathing exercise) and Dhyana (Meditation). 【邀請講師授課】
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